The main goal of Tuudo is to provide genuine benefits to students. In addition to supporting students in their studies, we also aim to offer useful content for their leisure time.

Time after time in user surveys, it has been reiterated that students wish for relevant student benefits in Tuudo that can be utilized both in everyday life and during leisure time. The primary objective is to find benefits and discounts specifically useful from the students’ perspective.

Among Tuudo’s longest-standing benefit providers is Nextory – one of the largest audio and e-book subscription services in the Nordics. Nextory’s partnership coordinator, Eevi Kesker, now provides more details about the collaboration with Tuudo.

Together with Tuudo, Nextory brings students balance to their studies in the world of audio and e-books

The joint journey of Nextory and Tuudo began at the beginning of 2022. The collaboration originally started when Kesker got acquainted with Tuudo towards the end of her studies and saw an opportunity to reach students effectively.

“I didn’t have much time to use Tuudo, but the app stuck in my mind. At that time, during my own studies, the Student Benefits view was just starting, and I immediately thought this is a great channel for Nextory.”

Kesker contacted Tuudo, and the first introductory meeting was held in the autumn of 2021. It took a little while until Ville Mustalahti from Tuudo contacted Kesker again, and the collaboration kicked off at the beginning of 2022.

“The school had just started, and we started building the partnership more seriously. We had a meeting, and literally the next week, we already got things started. We approached it with an open mind, and to our delight, we noticed how interested students were in Nextory right from the beginning.”

Through Tuudo, students get to try Nextory for free

The collaboration between Nextory and Tuudo began with the idea of diversifying the offering of student benefits by bringing more leisure content and counterbalance to studies for students. In addition to entertaining literature, Nextory’s selection of hundreds of thousands of books also includes textbooks that students can utilize in their studies.

“It’s important that we can really offer something extra to students.”

Committed users and trust make Tuudo an excellent channel to reach students

Kesker believes that reaching students through Tuudo is natural because Tuudo is not inherently a marketing channel, and offering student benefits is not intrusive. According to Kesker, the secret of success lies in the fact that Tuudo’s users are committed, and the trust in the service is also visible outwardly.

“Tuudo isn’t an advertising channel but always puts the student first, which fits our needs well. We don’t want to be an intrusive service but offer genuine benefits and relevant content that helps students.”

Small investments yield real results

Generally, the collaboration between Nextory and Tuudo has been smooth, and things haven’t been unnecessarily complicated. Making updates and changes is easy, and the collaboration doesn’t require much resources.

“You get all the best parts from the collaboration, and with small investments, you really can achieve results. Changes and updates are made quickly, and there haven’t been any problems or challenges.”

Kesker is particularly satisfied with the communication and messaging. Results are regularly reviewed, and communication flows actively both ways. Changes are communicated well in advance, and new ideas are brainstormed together.

“The best thing about the collaboration is the ease, and that you can achieve results. We are happy to continue the collaboration; why change something that works?”

Do you have an offer that students should definitely know about? In Tuudo’s Student Benefits section, you can easily and effortlessly reach students in 30 universities. Contact us, and we’ll tell you more!

In addition to student benefits, you can reach students even more effectively through display advertising. Read more about the new opportunities.