Are you already thinking about summer jobs in 2024 and planning to recruit new summer employees? Careful preparation for summer job recruitment ensures that both your company and the summer employees get the most out of the season. These tips will help you prepare for recruiting summer employees:

1. Define your company’s needs and goals for the summer period

Examine your company’s needs and define clear goals for summer employees. Why do you need summer employees and what do you expect from them? When the goals are clear, you can describe the job tasks much more clearly and attractively.

2. Plan your recruitment strategy

Develop a clear recruitment plan. Consider at least where you will advertise job openings, what criteria you will use for selection, and how you will conduct interviews. You can find tips for a successful recruitment campaign here.

3. Create an attractive job posting

Write a clear and attractive job posting that describes the nature of summer job tasks, expectations, and potential benefits. Emphasize your company’s strengths as an employer. Be open about the details of the job – especially the salary, as it interests applicants. An attractive posting stands out, so it’s worth avoiding the most clichéd phrases. The most important keywords, such as “summer jobs 2024” or “internship,” should be highlighted in the headline as it often sparks students’ interest.

4. Utilize social media

Social media is an effective way to advertise job openings. Social media can reach a wide range of applicants, especially young people and students. In Tuudo’s workplace survey in 2022, students highlighted Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn as social media channels where they want to see job postings. On social media, you can publish various content, such as images and videos, and engage applicants in interactive communication.

5. Involve employees in recruitment

Discuss with your current employees and involve them in the orientation of new summer employees. This can help create an image of an inspiring and cohesive work environment. For example, employee introductions and career stories help potential job seekers get to know the organization and its culture better before applying.

6. Ensure clear communication

Ensure that communication during the recruitment process is clear and transparent. Applicants should be provided with information about the different stages of the application process and any decisions made. Do not leave applicants hanging and waiting for bad news for an unreasonably long time.

7. Create a positive applicant experience

In recruiting summer employees, it is important to ensure that the application process is a positive experience for the job seeker. A positive applicant experience can improve your company’s employer brand and attract talented employees in the future as well. Therefore, develop a clear application process that serves the recruitment goals. Complicated and laborious application portals do not encourage applying for summer jobs.

8. Plan orientation and training for summer employees

Plan a comprehensive orientation and training program for summer employees. Ensure that they receive the necessary information and skills for their tasks. See how you can impress summer employees while strengthening your own employer brand. A company that sees summer employees as valuable members of the team lays the foundation for long-term success.

If you’re looking for an efficient channel to reach potential summer job seekers, Tuudo reaches thousands of students all over Finland. Contact us and let’s start recruiting together!