We conduct an annual work-life survey for university students to explore their thoughts and opinions about the professional world. The survey received responses from a total of 5022 students from 22 universities*.

In the survey, we examined the self-perceived qualities and strengths of the students. Our aim was to identify the students’ most important strengths at work. Three characteristics stood out in the responses: work ethic, interpersonal skills, and a positive attitude.

1. Work Ethic

Traditionally, Finnish employees are seen as diligent, hardworking, and reliable employees with strong work ethic. This perception is evident in the survey, as a significant number of respondents listed work ethic as one of their strengths. A strong work ethic is apparent both in the workplace and in studies, where students value their work, strive to do their best, and aim to achieve their goals. Students put in a lot of effort throughout the year, studying during semesters and often working during summer breaks.

While a strong work ethic is respectable, it does not mean blindly accepting all tasks, following instructions to the letter, and constantly working overtime to achieve unrealistic targets. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for motivation and well-being, which is important to remember as a student.

Work ethic is often perceived as a personal attribute, but it is influenced by many factors beyond internal motivation and morals. Organizational culture significantly affects work ethic, and, for example, excessive control or micromanagement can undermine employees’ internal motivation and, therefore, negatively impact the quality of work.

Fostering work morale at the workplace involves focusing on employee well-being, offering interesting and challenging tasks, and creating a sense of purpose. Ultimately, everyone wants to do meaningful work, develop, and feel a sense of purpose.

2. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills were also listed as a strength by many respondents. We need interpersonal skills in our daily lives, both in our personal time and in the professional world. While some people are naturally more social and enjoy the company of others, others might find interpersonal situations more challenging.

It is essential to recognize that interpersonal skills are not synonymous with sociability. Individuals with good interpersonal skills can express their opinions, seek advice, and, above all, listen to others and show empathy. Nyyti ry, an organization that promotes students’ mental health and study ability, provides practical examples of communication situations and how to develop interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal skills develop continuously through interactions between people, and individuals can actively learn these skills. On most fields of study, group work and projects play a significant role, giving students opportunities to practice their interpersonal and teamwork skills. Interpersonal skills are crucial in any field, and students are well aware of this.

3. Positive Attitude

As students rarely have years of experience in their chosen field, attitude and potential play a more significant role in job hunting. According to our work-life survey, many students considered having a positive attitude one of their strengths. A positive attitude means being optimistic and open about the future, embracing new challenges, and not being discouraged by setbacks.

A positive attitude in the workplace fosters a good team spirit and improves work well-being. It also increases motivation to learn and continuously develop, making an inexperienced student an excellent employee. Hiring a student allows you to witness this growth story up close.

It is wonderful to see that so many students consider positive attitude as one of their strengths. The pandemic has made their study time fragmented, significantly affecting their well-being. Students have been under a lot of pressure, and they have had to adapt to a new situation. Consequently, it is not surprising that problem-solving and adaptability were also strongly highlighted in the survey.

*Tuudo’s survey was conducted from May 24 to June 9, 2022.

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